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She was trying so hard to be patient, prolonging the sheer pleasure of his sweet friction within her. Their chemistry, the way their bodies fit and hit in all the perfect places, made orgasm most definite. She strained against him trying to resist the urge to make it happen until she could stand it no more. Laura stroked the wet and salty flesh between her legs for his viewing pleasure.
Will worked her thighs in an out rhythmically as he pistoned in and out of her. Both of them hit climax at the same time. Will arched his back causing him to drive more deeply into her. She lowered her legs so she could wrap them around him and hold him until their ecstasy peaked and ebbed. It was the most incredible feeling for her to pulse on him. Both of them driven to keep moving but the rapture of the moment was virtually paralyzing. It was tough to move but tough to not experience those last spasms of bliss.
Laura sat up and kiss Will who was half doped with the heat of sex. They stayed connected for as long as they could until she finally hopped off the table. Laura scurried to her bedroom to the master bath to quickly freshen up and put on a sexy night shirt before returning to the scene of their passion. Will emerged from the guest bath dressed.
Laura cleared the plates and gathered her clothes strewn in the heat of the moment. Will built a fire in the living room fireplace. He sat before the hearth on the rug and invited her to join him. She sat with his arm around her, her head tucked on his shoulder.
"I know you're tired but I thought this was kind of nice," he said.
"It is," she said. "I might grab a blanket and sleep out here."
With that, Will marched off towards her room. "Be right back," he announced. And he was, with arms filled with pillows and her comforter. "I thought we could both sleep out here?" he said. And then his voice got soft and low. "Would it be okay if I stayed?"
Laura threw her arms around his incredibly broad shoulder. "Yes," whispered. And they snuggled on the early winter night before the warmth and romance of a roaring fire.
Laura decided she would not beg Lucas for her car. She discussed at length with Will the notion of reporting the theft to the police but she didn't quite have it in her to risk him a prison sentence. They even put the discussion before the Knights’ Disciples who unanimously said to turn Lucas in.
"It might be the best thing for him," Will suggested. "I have no problem giving you rides but I don't want to enable him. Besides, did you even clean your stuff out before hand?"
No she hadn't. There was no way to spin it. There was no good argument for not reporting the car. "I'll think about it. I'll do it. I just got to think about when."
"Don't think too long. He may rob someone else. You might have been a baby step crime. Sort of show he was willing. They don't call themselves the Mauraders for nothing."
They shelved the conversation and Will didn't push. It was a strange coincidence that when they went out to dinner, they just happen to bump into Det. Frank Vasquez. He was in the bar area. They said hello on the way to their table. Even though she was resolved she was powerless over her brother's choices, despite his being a minor, she felt sad. It was obvious. Will took her hand in his.
"Nope," she said cheerfully. "I am not going to all of this ruin our evening."
"There you go," Will winked.
Just after they were seated, Will excused himself from the table to the restroom. When he returned to the table, Laura's conscience was getting the better of her. Seeing the detective in the bar was some kind of sign to her that she should in fact turn in her kid brother in. But she didn't have the nerve. Her dilemma must have showed on her face for Will asked her. "What's the matter?"
"I am thinking I should go over to Detective Vasquez and let him know about Lucas and the car," she said guiltily.
"I think you can do that," he answered.
"Why is that?" Laura asked.
"Well he's not there," Will answered. "He was here just for drinks. I was going to ask him to join us but he wasn't there."
Laura took a deep breath. "Okay, well...I'll call him first thing in the morning then. I can't sit on this anymore."
Will covered her hand with his. "Good girl. I think it's for the best. It's really doing Lucas a favor."
"A favor?" Laura asked half-heartedly. "By sending him to prison with people who are worse than gang members? Talk about a rock and a hard place."
"I'd like two minutes with Lucas right now." Will shook his head.
"Why’s that?" Laura asked, confused by his remark.
"Forgive me for saying so, baby, but he's a little jerk for putting you in this position. If he only knew how hard all this is on you."
"I only hope he survives long enough to grow up to realize it. If he gets past all of this and changes his ways, I can forgive him," she said.
Dinner arrived. It was beautiful: perfectly dry aged, rare beef sliced atop garlic mashed potatoes and green beans. As Laura took her first bite, Will reached under the table and teased the back of her knee. Her face showed alert as she carefully chewed, withstanding his ticklish stroking. She was wearing stockings with garters and Will had full access. His touches sent wires of erotic electricity that surged straight to her center and she was wet. She regarded Will whose eyes were dark and gathering just like a wolf's. He looked like he was going to eat her. The look in his eyes combined with his touches threw her into a spin. Her breathing rose and she could hear her own heart beating in her ears. She was now stunned with arousal.
Will was relishing her suffering; she could see it. He casually scooted his chair nearer to hers and with his free hand he spiked another bite for her. He fed her sensually with one hand and toyed with her with the other. Laura was trying to be discrete, but Will had her whimpering.
"You okay?" he asked her. She shook her head slightly. "Aww, we can't have that. Need me to take care of that? Need me to take you home and fuck you thoroughly?" She nodded. Will leaned back and smiled. "Okay, finish your dinner and we can do that."
Laura was surprised to find that despite how stirred up Will had her, she had an appetite. She ate her food and even shared a dessert with him. The valet brought his car, a vintage Porsche, which they drove instead of the motorcycle due to the weather. The winter air was sharply cold and there had been a light dusting of snow.
He took the scenic route home, detouring over to an abandoned warehouse by the waterfront. The moonlight danced on the water spectacularly. Will parked, leaned over, and kissed Laura tenderly. He reclined his seat and urged Laura to climb on top of him. She straddled him with her stockinged legs. He reached between her legs and slid aside her panties to access her hot, wet flesh. She pressed her palm on his muscular thigh until she felt his rigid erection. She teased him through the fabric of his trousers. Will moaned against her lips, creating a stimulating vibration that made her clutch to the core. She freed his length, gripping it firmly and putting it inside of her. He was so hot and so hard and felt amazing inside of her. She gripped the headrest of the seat and wiggled back and forth. At first, she cocked her hips in wanton thrusts, jutting it this way and that, teasingly. She pistoned up, pushing off from her knee and bounced on him wickedly. He was pleased immediately, his lips curling with delirium. She was wonderfully pleased with herself, turning him on so. She let her body weight sink all the way down on him, taking his cock within her as deeply as it could go. The pressure was intensely, blissfully antagonizing. Instinctively, she pleasured herself to force her orgasm. The stimulation made for a powerful climax. She spasmed fiercely on him. Will and Laura came together, their cries filled the Porsche.
"Mmm mm," Will gripped her head in his hands and kissed her boisterously. "That was the best part of the meal."
"I am glad you like my cooking," Laura smiled, still sitting on top of him.
"So, Miss Mills," he asked, "I have asked this of you before but I was wondering, well. if you would be my girlfriend?"
Will had asked before. Their attraction so intense and their relationshi
p so whirlwind, when he asked her, Laura said yes but then thought she had to put Lucas first. Now she had a different point of view. It was okay for her to think of herself just a little bit. She deserved some happiness and together they could handle the challenges life presented. Will was certainly willing to support her.
"Yes," she said. "If you will be my boyfriend back." She kissed him languidly.
"You got it," he replied, his voice smoky.
They were on their way to round two when someone sent Laura a text. She was going to ignore it but then another one came through. Then it dawned on her that the only people who texted her really were Lucas or Will. She knew Will wasn’t sending her texts. "One sec," she said, breaking their kiss and fished for her phone. "It could be Lucas."
And it was. He was outraged. Apparently he was furious that he was arrested for the theft of her car. He was demanding, in texts, that she tell the police that he had her permission to have the car. Laura was confused. How had the cops known that Lucas had taken the car?
"What's the matter?" Will asked.
"Lucas has been arrested," she answered, still reading the now-multiple texts. She climbed off of Will to her own seat. She corrected her clothes. "I wonder how—?" She stopped her question mid-sentence. She could see on his face that Will knew exactly how Lucas was arrested. "Did you? Did you tip the cops?"
Will slumped in the seat. "I told Frank when I left the table to go to the men's room."
"And you didn't tell me?" Laura urged. She was a mix of so many feelings, including confusion. She felt like whether they agreed with each other, they were straight with each other. For a couple of hours now, he had been sitting on the fact that he talked to the detective and he hadn't let on. That hurt. A lot.
Will searched for the right thing to say. "I just wanted to do what needed to be done and I was afraid that if you waited, someone else could get hurt."
Laura nodded, taking in what he was saying. "I need a lift to the police station," she said stiffly. "I would like it if you would drop me off."
"I will go with you," he said and started up the car.
"No, I want you to please just drop me off," she said.
"Laura - " he began, "I am very sorry I did the wrong thing. Please let's talk about this."
"Can we please just not talk until we get to the station? I would really like some quiet," she said. She wasn't harsh when she spoke, but it was impossible to disguise the fact that she was really upset.
Detective Vasquez was unexpectedly pleasant and jovial when he greeted Laura and Will. He was just about to lead them back to an interview room to brief them on Lucas's status but Laura interrupted him. "Um, Will, thanks for the ride but, if you don't mind, I am going to handle this in private."
The detective was quick to catch on. In his good humor, he looked at each of them. "Kids? Is there something going on here? Are we no longer working as a team?"
Laura was not in a joking mood. "Detective Vasquez, I am Lucas's guardian. While Will has been great, to say the least, in his support of my family, this really is a family matter."
"Wow," Will exclaimed, glaring at her. "I never figured you to get hurtful, Laura."
"You just went behind my back. Who was being hurtful? I am entitled to privacy. It's a boundary issue. I guess you don't get that."
"Now wait a minute," Detective Vasquez intervened, "I am not sure what is going on here, but you have a kid in there who is mad as a hornet that he's been busted for stealing cars. He thinks you’re the one who turned him in. But the truth is we already wanted him for some other crimes."
"Other crimes?" Laura looked at the detective and then she looked at Will.
"I was going to tell you that, but I didn't get a chance to," Will replied.
"You had all night," Laura said.
"So kick me for not wrecking the evening," Will shook his head.
"Listen, you two, listen Laura, you don't have a car. And that's not your little brother in there. That's a gang member with an ax to grind. Will is already on their shit list because of the thing at the biker ball and he's in custody, which puts him in a tricky position with the gang. They're worried about his loyalty. You need protection. I suggest whatever has gone on here gets settled and you bury the hatchet. You need this man."
Laura stewed. She didn't like that the detective was right and that, despite that she was hurt that Will went over her head, she needed him. She had to admit it. "You're right. Are you still willing to help me out?" she asked Will reluctantly. She didn't even want to look at him.
Will fished around until she had to look at him directly. "Yes," he said. "And we are going to talk this out, understood? I am sorry I didn't handle this differently. I was wrong."
Laura kicked herself for not being able to let him off the hook, which, in her book, made her just as wrong. "Okay," she said reluctantly. She braced herself as she faced her brother. It was like facing a rabid dog.
"I hope you're proud of yourself," he snarled at her.
She stared at his hands. Lucas had tattoos on his fingers. "I should say the same thing to you," she returned. "In fact, I don't even know you. I was told my brother was in here. As far as I’m concerned, you murdered my brother. I am going to go home and make funeral plans." When she stood up, he stood up, menacingly.
"You be real careful when you go home, sis," he glared.
"I guess I could understand you if I thought one of your gang members was watching you, but it's just you and me," she said.
Lucas laughed. "And a police detective and your lover boy," he said. "You go ahead and throw a pretend funeral. See if I care. It will be good practice for when you throw a real one." Lucas stared at Will eerily.
Will smiled. "Way telegraph your plan, Einstein. Never leave a boy to do a smart guy's job."
Lucas lunged for Will, but despite his beefing up he was no match. Will didn't budge.
Lucas smirked eerily. “You do realize both of you are on a list.”
“You are on a list, too, in case you hadn’t noticed,” Will replied. “And you’re locked up. We are not.”
“I can make bail,” said Lucas.
And in perfect timing, a district attorney waltzed into the interview room. “Not if you’re threatening the lives of others, which, I will argue, you just did.” Lucas glared menacingly. “Keep it up. You make my job easy.”
“I want a lawyer,” demanded Lucas.
Laura sighed. “I can get a referral – ” she began, about to offer to get him one.
He cut her off sharply. “No,” he said. “I am through with you.”
There was nothing more that Will and Laura could contribute by being there so they left – silently and distant from each other. She sensed that even though he had handled his part badly, Will felt injured. She realized that they were both sulkers.
Finally Will spoke. “I am sure you want to go home. I do, as well, but if these guys have us on their list as Lucas said, maybe we should strategize.”
“What are you thinking?” she asked in a monotone voice.
“I think we need to leave town,” he said. “If you are required to be present at something in the future, we can arrange remote appearance.”
“You mean like webcam?” she asked.
“Yes,” he said seriously. “I say we leave tonight. I can load up my bike in the trailer and haul it until we are clear of the icy roads and then I say we do a bike trip to someplace sunny.”
“Florida. Louisiana. Have you ever been to New Orleans? Miami? We can go as far as the Carolinas. I need my bike. I need the ocean. I need the warmth and, whether you believe it or not, I need you,” he said.
Laura wanted to rush into his powerful arms and draw his sweet masculine scent in through her nose and get lost in him. But she wouldn’t give it up. “But my job,” she protested.
“But your life, Laura,” he countered. “And now my life.”
“Are you blaming me?” she asked seized with a fright that he may have a resentment now for involving him.
“No I do not. I got involved on purpose. I don’t blame you. I am just saying it may be your brother and he may be your responsibility, but it goes beyond that. My guys are at risk. I am at risk. We have to act together. Don’t worry about covering costs. If anything happens to your job, I got you until you can rectify it.”
“I don’t have a mortgage, Will. My mother and father’s house was paid for when they died. If anything did happen to my job, I could manage. It’s just...I hate letting people down. That job has been very good to me.”
Will spoke frankly to her. “I imagine that you have been very good in return. There’s one person you seem to forget about not letting down and that’s you. Until I came on the scene you said you hardly dated. A beautiful woman like you?”
“I am a single parent,” she protested.
“That went on before you were a single parent,” he scolded. “You put your mother and father first. You put Lucas first. You put your job first. If you included your needs and wants in the mix once in a while, maybe everyone else around you would be a little bit better off, as well. It’s okay to consider yourself.”
She realized what he said was true although it wasn’t easy to accept. She wasn’t in the mood to accept anything.
Will could sense her stubbornness. “Miss Mills, your life is in great danger. You need to leave with me. But at this point I don’t know whether or not to put you over my shoulder or put you over my knee.”
“Am I frustrating you, Mr. Shriner?” she asked.
Will crowded her and replied in a smoky voice. “Just a little bit.”
They swung by Laura’s house and loaded up a bag. When she packed skirts, Will took over the operation and raided her jeans drawers. He set her up with T-shirts, jean shorts, long jeans, and one jean skirt. Heat ran through her, thawing her attitude a little bit, when he selected her underwear. “Hm, look at all this denim. You’ve been ready for a bike trip for a while now.”