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Page 4

  She wanted to correct him and say she has been yearning for a biker and didn’t even know it. She spied on him. He was the Sergeant at Arms for a motorcycle club and a former cop. She thought he was the perfect combination of brains and muscles. Will was such a handsome man, his dark hair fringing his face. His brows were full and framed piercing hazel eyes. His body was cut with such perfect symmetry on a tall and broad and powerful frame.

  He did a double take, catching her looking at him. He was tired and pressed, too. His words spun round in her head. She was not the only one this situation affected. And up until he had said so, Laura was not aware of anyone but herself. She took a deep breath. When he zipped up her bag she reached out her hand to take it from him.

  “That’s okay, I’ve got this,” he said. She wanted to call a truce right there and then, but it didn’t seem like the time.

  As they were making their way down the stairs to the entrance of Laura’s house, there was a loud pop like very loud fire cracker. Will shoved Laura flat. “Get down!” he ordered. A shot had been fired into the window to the side of the front door. In this position, Laura knew no one could see to take aim but if they just blasted the area with ammunition they could very well get hit. Will reached into the pocket of his jeans for his phone and called the police.

  Laura heard gasping. A raking noise rising up to the ceiling and filing the stairwell and the entryway. Will gripped her. “Laura!” he whispered and frantically searched her while keeping as low a profile as he could. Fortunately, her house being a very old house, the heavy wood trim of the stairs gave them some shelter.

  “I’m not hit,” she managed to say. “I’m just freaked out.”

  In seconds cops swarmed her property. Will’s phone rang. It was the police telling him they had him covered. He and Laura could come out now. They stooped as they ran, remaining as low and still out of instinct. The cops drove the two of them to his house, not taking a chance that his car had been tampered with. They took a statement there. Laura gave the cops the keys to her place, letting them have carte blanche to inspect and collect evidence. A few of the cops stuck around even though Pete and Darren, other Knights’ Disciples, were present. They created a presence while Will hitched his trailer to his truck and loaded his bike up. Laura could not get away fast enough. Will group-texted his club and told them of the road trip. The Knights’ Disciples needed a vacation.

  It was an intense experience to be driving out like you were running away in the middle of the night, to be the only people on the entire highway as the snow began to fall and to be suddenly surrounded by a swarm of motorcycles. It was like being on the first drop of a roller coaster. It was simultaneously scary and exciting. And then it was just plain reassuring. Laura’s insides were as warm as toast. She had no idea until that moment that she had been so insecure, felt on edge. Now she didn’t feel that at all and it was amazing.

  "You would probably be riding with them if it weren't for me, huh?" she asked.

  Will shrugged. "I don't know. I don't think North Carolina knows she's supposed to be warmer than the two states we just went through."

  "Where did they come from?" she asked. "Aren't you all a Maryland club or are you all over?"

  "Magic," he winked.

  "No, really?" she asked. "They just appeared and knew exactly where to find us."

  "Did you see that boxcar that was trailing us for a while?" Laura nodded. "That was them. And all their bikes. We have a place near the stop we just made."

  Laura studied him. Every so often he glanced over his expression smoldering and sexy. She had to say it. "You are a beautiful man, Will Shriner.” A sudden fear twisted within her. What if she had crossed the line and his feelings for her had vanished? Maybe he was doing all of this out of a sense of chivalry. He was that kind of guy.

  He turned to focus on the road, put both hands on the wheel. It was a perfectly reasonable move, but she felt like he was withdrawing from her. They stopped one more time for fuel and bio breaks before pushing on. They finally landed in Charleston, South Carolina. They knew a hotel with rooms that opened directly outside so that they could park directly in front and keep an eye on their bikes. Will booked it ahead before they left for very late arrival.

  "People see bikes and it either brings out the best in them or the worst," said Pete. He shook his head as if recalling. "Remember that time? In D.C.? Like dominos, guy tipped over all of them."

  "On purpose?" asked Laura.

  Will placed a quieting hand on her shoulder. "Guys it's now four-thirt in the morning. Let's wind down."

  Again Laura sensed coldness in him. Maybe they were both tired, and exhaustion could very well make him distant. It made her paranoid.

  Their room was beautiful. High, four-poster beds piled with down comforters and lace trimmed bedding. There were two double beds in the room. For some reason that made Laura more sullen. She went over to one and parked her back on the chest at the foot of the bed. She turned her back to him and began to undress. He turned the key to the lamps affixed to the walls and lowered the lighting. The room glowed romantically as if by candlelight. Laura tried hoisting herself up on the high mattress. It was no use. She was just about to use the chest as a step when Will came up behind her, swept her up in his arms and delivered her on top of the bed. She scurried under the blankets. They seemed so luscious and inviting, all the while in her mind she braced for whether he would get in the bed with her or climb into the one next to her.

  Will walked the hotel room for what seemed like forever, checking the windows, double checking the bikes, fussing with the bags before he settled against the bed that Laura was in. He stripped down to his underwear, brushed the bottoms of his feet and climbed in next to her.

  She felt momentary relief until he turned his shoulder to her, set his head on the pillow and went to sleep.


  A powerful crash of thunder shook the hotel and riled Laura out of a dead slumber. She sat upright. She forgot where she was. She frantically scanned the room trying to make sense when the storm railing outside hurdled another clap of thunder. She shrieked.

  Will reached up to her. His hand found her nipple and tweezed it firmly through a leased T-shirt before fondling her breast. "Shhh," he said sleepily. "It's okay."

  Her body warmed as she submitted to his guiding her back against the mattress. As she settled into the comfort and plushness of the bedding, Will fished underneath her neckline and touched her bare skin with his sizzling hand. His palm glided the contours of her rib cage, down the flat plains of her abdomen. His fingers slid further between her legs and inside of her. He stroked her slowly with two long fingers while toying her clitoris with his thumb. Just slowly and with enough pressure as to make her ache and very wet. Laura began undulating her hips against his efforts. The friction created delicious little twitches that foretold of a powerful orgasm to come. Just a little more this way and that, and she would be clenching and writhing.

  And Will caught on. He rose from his groggy state and got inside her. His thrust into her was just what she needed to send her over the edge. Laura was lost over a cliff of sweet rapture. She slumped back as Will tenderly moved in and out of her. As her ecstasy subsided, she hitched her knees back and outstretched up into the air and rested them on his massive shoulders. She bucked her hips against him to torment him to his own intense climax. She rhythmically gripped him with her inner muscles as she created a counterpoint. She saw his eyelids flutter, as if he were trying to hold out.

  She gave him the push he need by telling him in graphic detail how much she liked what he was doing. "You feel so good inside of me," she said, rocking against him. Laura reached between them to pleasure herself. She worked to bring her orgasm back to life.

  A booming clap of thunder shook the room, surprising Laura who jerked suddenly. The sporadic move tumbled the both of them headlong into total ecstasy. They were wailing and calling out, making more noise than the storm that raged outsi
de the hotel. They relaxed in the comfort of their bed, lying tangled on the bed, their limbs loosely laced. The storm had subsided and this time when they fell asleep, it was intense, comforting, and peaceful.

  Later than their usual rising, Will and Laura were wakened by a rap on their door. The Knights’ Disciples were up and about and had taken Will's bike from the trailer. Darren, the K.O.D. member who had worked tirelessly to mentor Lucas, called out, "Let's get going! Grits and ham steak await. Wanna do the Sweetwater Cafe?"

  Will, who was in a much better mood replied, " Sure, why not?" He cut a glance her way, devilishly. "How would you like to take a shower with me?"

  Will and Laura showered very thoroughly...very intimately. Will Shriner knew more about the many uses of a showerhead and a woman’s body than a man ought to know.

  He removed the shower head from its holder and adjusted the dial so that the stream was concentrated to a powerful, almost solid flow. The spray of water was so forceful that the droplets almost stung. They bothered her flesh in just the right spots as to aggravate her to full arousal.

  Being pleasured this way was wicked and wanton she thought. It was almost too intimate for her to bear and yet it felt so amazing that she could not stop. He maneuvered the head back and forth so as to create a teasing rhythm that coaxed her to an intensely powerful culmination. Rapture possessed her from head to toe. Blissful waves washed over her, paralyzing her slightly with pure, pure ecstasy.

  The water was so warm and unrelenting. Instinctively, Will redirected the flow so that it pulsed into her body, against her sensitive, erotic spasms. It was perhaps one of the most decadent experiences he had ever given her.

  Laura parted ways with him so that they could dress, with much gratitude that she had the fortune to be the girlfriend of such a smart man. She opened the door to their room to check the temperature. And with that she decided on a sweet little jean skirt. In no time at all, she put herself together, drying her hair just enough and applying a touch, but an effective amount, of makeup.

  "You look so sweet," Will chuckled. He loomed behind her sensually like a shadow. "But we're on the bike this morning. That skirt is going to get real itty-bitty. Gotta put on jeans. We'll walk around later and you can wear it then." He kissed the top of her head. "I'll wait outside for you."


  It had been some time that Laura put on jeans. She wore suits for work and since she often worked school and her internships for school around work, she was dressed the same. The one exercise she was able to do with her busy schedule was jumping rope, but she did that with an intense passion and it showed in her body. Laura was very proud of the way she looked. Even though she preferred the short skirt, she was pleased with the jeans. She was even more so when she stepped outside to join Will and his eyes walked all over her.

  “Oh my goodness,” he said pulling her in close to him. “The only reason why breakfast is a no-brainer,” he murmured into her hair, “is because we are definitely going to need the calories.”

  When they mounted the bike, he grabbed the backs of her knees and pulled her into him so their bodies fit tightly together. His broad back and shoulders rose in front of her like a mountain for that was what Will Shriner was: a mountain of a man. She took a moment and indulged herself, gliding her hands all over him, feeling the contours and the hard, hewn muscles of his frame, his long powerful arms, lean hips, and endless chiseled legs. Will stroked her hands and then her thighs one more time before starting the bike and pulling out.

  The Sweetwater Café was as cozy and quaint as the rest of the town. She and the Knights’ Disciples descended upon the café and were greeted with opened arms. At first the welcome warmed her but then she got a little jealous. The K.O.D. were well known there. They were treated like long-lost regulars. One of the waitresses wrapped an arm around Will and kissed him square on the lips. He sort of patted her on the back in return while Laura could not help but stew a little. Will looked at Laura and tilted his head as if to say What could I do? while the waitress was clearly clueless he had a date for breakfast. Thankfully the guys started pushing together tables, which effectively interrupted the flirting.

  Finally everyone had a seat, but Laura could not stop herself from sulking. She didn’t want to let her reaction spoil the moment. She kept her head down so no one could see her with the face she was making but she knew it was obvious. Will fished around until she was forced to look him in the eye.

  “Hey,” he winked at her.

  “I am so, so sorry. Once I start pouting, I can’t help it,” she said in as quiet a voice as she could manage.

  “Well I don’t blame you for feeling weird. If a man did the same to you, especially in front of me, I wouldn’t like it one bit. But we do have to work on this thing that you do. I do it, too.”

  Laura smiled. “We do. We are both sulkers.”

  Will smiled. “Yes we are.”

  A couple of women entered the café and joined them. All over Laura was edgy again. Will chuckled. “They’re friends. Is it okay with you if the other guys have dates?”

  “Of course it is,” she said. “So was that woman your ‘date’?”

  “Do you want to know?” he asked, almost chastising her. “I will tell you.”

  “No,” she shook her head. “I do not.”

  “Okay then. Be good. And trust me,” he kissed her on the forehead.

  The offending waitress approached the table with a coffee pot and everyone turned their cups over. She leaned against Will as she reached to pour, practically feeding him her breast.

  Laura stood up and took the pot from her very politely. “Here,” she said, “Let me help you.” She went around the table and filled cups as far as the pot would go. When it was empty she handed it back to the waitress. “Here. Looks like you’re going to have to get another one.” When she sat down and checked out Will, he was grinning at her. “What?” she said, though she knew.

  “Was that supposed to be something? ‘Looks like you’re going to have to get another one.’”

  Laura smiled wide. “It was the best I could think of.”

  “Do you think it would it help if I introduced my girlfriend to her?” Will asked, his eyes twinkling. He erupted in laughter when Laura’s face had the look of shock. Until she caught on.

  She leaned across the table and kissed him. “Yes, that might work,” she said, adoring him.

  “Well, I don’t think I have to now,” he smiled. “I think you kind of gave away my surprise.”

  Apparently she did. There was a second waitress who appeared at the table with a fresh pot of coffee. She and the first waitress divided the party in half and came to take orders; she was all business.

  Pete and Darren, who now had dates with them, began to tease Laura for putting the waitress in her place. “Better be careful that you don’t end up with soap in your eggs,” said Pete.

  Darren added, “Both of you.”

  “So what’s the plan, Hoss? Shall we head on down to the house after this or?” Pete asked Will who looked at his watch.

  “It should be ready. I had the service over there first thing. We could probably check out and head over,” said Will.

  “Where to now?” asked Laura.

  “We have a house on the beach here in town. I am just having the cleaning lady freshen it up for us,” said Will nonchalantly.

  Laura was taken aback. “You all are full of surprises.”


  After breakfast, they walked through the historical town of Charleston to their house, saying hello to people they passed by. It should have been a spectacle to see a crowd of bikers and their women roving the sidewalk, but the Knights’ Disciples were a welcomed sight. And their house was intensely beautiful. It was colonial aged, but it was not appointed with stiff colonial pieces. The furnishings were comfortable and inviting, and as soon as Laura entered the house, she thought it was already time for a nap. Will showed her their room.

; Their room also had a high four-poster bed, and a fireplace and a window that overlooked the sea. It was magical. Will crowded her and whispered in her ear. “Now,” he began, “if you hear moaning and groaning in the middle of the night, don’t be afraid. It won’t be ghosts. It will be bikers fucking their women.”

  Erotic heat surged through Laura. She faltered as she was slammed with arousal, completely turned on by his graphic language, his proximity. Their chemistry hummed as he teasingly lingered behind her and did not touch her or otherwise make a move. Right in front of them was the generous expanse of a bed with perfectly smooth bedcovers begging to be destroyed. “Baby,” he said finally, ever so softly, “I have to go back to Sweetwater’s, get my bike. Go back to the hotel and get our stuff. Get my truck. And then I will be back. And I am going to take you in as many rooms as I can, and every nook and cove that I can find.” He slid his tongue softly into her ear and swirled it softly and down the sensitive arch of her neck. Laura breathed hard through her nostrils like a mad bull; she was so floored with desire. “Easy, baby,” he murmured. “Promise you’ll wait for me.” He tilted her chin delicately and kissed her full on the mouth, taking her with his tongue. They had plenty of sex, often and completely satisfying, but when he kissed her it was as if he had never kissed her before and was finally doing so.

  Laura did her best to mingle with the other women who were with the Knights’ Disciples. The winter weather was warmer than Baltimore by a long shot but the beach air was cool in the screened in porch overlooking the sea. The women sat around on cushioned wicker furniture under luscious suede and fleece throws and shared hot tea. Laura tried to be present but Will only minutes gone and soon to return was like an erotic specter in her space. He was a pure, dominant force within her that occupied her every cell and lit up her carnal animal instincts. She had an overwhelming need to mate with him. She felt like an animal in heat, like she make a concerted effort to keep her mind clear so that she wouldn’t do something out of reflex. If Will walked out onto the screened-in porch that moment, she wasn’t sure should be able to help herself.