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A mixed blessing that it was, she got a text about her brother Lucas from Detective Frank Vasquez. The timing certainly brought her back down to earth and she excused herself from the group of women to call back. Lucas had made bail after all. The District Attorney had promised that would not happen and yet he did. The detective thought it was a good idea that Laura and Will were out of town. He had some men keeping an eye on both their places.
As she hung up the phone, she was overwhelmed with a sense of guilt that she had failed her little brother enormously. And even more guilt that she was away and having a good time. She was away because she feared for her safety as a result of her brother’s actions, but she could not help but feel that if she had done something differently, Lucas wouldn’t be associated with any gang, let alone one of the city’s worst – the Marauders. Lucas chose a gang that had a vendetta against Will and now one against her. The detective reiterated that they were still gunning for Will for punching one of theirs in a bar famous among bikers in Baltimore, and for her because they believed she turned Lucas in for carjacking.
Lucas. Her baby brother, who was not such a baby anymore. He was once on track to be a scholarship kid to any college he wanted to go. Now he was headed for a life of crime and prison, if he didn’t stop. What had she done? What could she do differently?
Laura drifted out the front door and around the house to the beach via lovely inset stone steps. It was much warmer out in the sun on the sand that it had been in the screened-in porch. She tried to connect with the flow of the waves, the beauty of scenery, to have it help her ground and to let go of the heavy feelings that the call from the detective gave her. She had gone from high to low. She tried to make herself feel that magic that Will had left her with but she could not.
“Hello,” Will said from behind her.
Laura was so lost in her own thoughts that she had not even heard him sneak up behind her. She turned around to greet him. She forced herself to be extra cheerful. “Wow, that was fast?”
“It was, wasn’t it?” he said almost skeptically. “That call from Detective Vasquez didn’t delay me much either. How are you doing?”
Laura’s face dropped. “Eh. It will pass.”
“Not great in other words?” he asked.
“Not,” she answered, trying to blink back the tears.
“So,” he began softly, “why did you greet me with such a brilliant smile instead of showing me how you really feel?” He drew her into his broad, warm body. His T-shirt was wonderfully, stylishly thin and well-worn and it was just the thinnest veneer over his rock hard chest.
“I don’t want to spoil everything. I have decided that I can be there to support Lucas through all of this, but I can’t keep putting my life on hold for him. That’s what I have been doing and clearly that wasn’t the right way to go – for either of us.”
“I agree with all of that. You didn’t do a bad thing. I can’t name another single person I know who has sacrificed what you have to make sure the kid they were responsible for had the best chance ever. Hey, you’re living in a pretty volatile city. It has its good points and bad points. You live in a great neighborhood, but then there’s the next block over. The other thing you have to keep in mind is people do turn their lives around, but that’s up to him, so in the meantime, I like your plan. I would just tweak it slightly in that I would have you trust me to tell me what’s really going on with you. And I,” he kissed her on the forehead, “will,” he kissed her on the cheek, “do the same.” He gave her a slow, hot kiss.
"You gotta deal," she said. She tried just to nibble a little bit of his flesh, but his body was so smooth and taut she could not. "I'm going to break my teeth."
"Oh," he cooed. "Don't do that. They're so pretty.” He cupped her jaw with his wondrously strong hands and kissed her.
With the backdrop of the sea, Laura found the moment magical. The anguish of the news about her young brother melted from her and she felt her spine relax against him. She drew her arms up around his neck, resting them on his massive shoulders. His hands dropped to her breasts encased beneath a very snug T-shirt. His thumbs grazed her erect nipples and Laura was ever limp against him, drugged from the surge of pleasure that only he could give her.
He broke the kiss and gazed into her eyes with wolf-like eyes: so primal, so predacious, so inescapable. Will had brought back to life that driving urge that possessed her mind, body, and spirit that had every part of her screaming to fuse with him. She wouldn’t care if he took her in broad daylight on the shore with everyone looking. She had to have him now. She let her fingers play with the sexy strands of his longish hair before letting her own hands wander. She slid her them into his back pockets and pressed. "Where can we go?" she whispered.
"Go?" he asked playfully.
"Yes," she replied. "You know what I mean."
He grinned, flashing the smile of the devil. "No, explain it to me."
Laura was rushed with heat. He wanted her to talk provocatively. She loved it when he did. And she was selfish because, if she was honest, she got more pleasure out of hearing him than giving to him in this way, but she had no problem telling it to him straight. “I want to fuck you so bad right now,” she said without batting an eye.
“Well let’s see what we can do about that,” he said and he took her mouth again.
Kissing Will renewed streams of electric surges through her body. Her entire back tingled and her nipples became erect once more. She was aching to the core and she was wet. Laura grazed his very large, hardness trapped beneath the heavy denim of his jeans. “I wish I could drop to my knees and put you in my mouth,” she said.
“Laura,” he said as though stunned.
“I would take you so deep in my mouth. I would make my mouth wet and hot and tight,” she continued mercilessly. “I love the way you taste.”
Will swept Laura’s lithe body over his shoulder and sprinted to the natural stairs up to the front of the house. She knew he was creating a spectacle and probably the women with whom she had been having tea, if they were still gathered in the screened in porch, knew what she was in store for.
In fact their catcalls confirmed it. “Woot!” someone called. “Give it to her, Will!”
Laura blushed against his back as she draped him like kitchen towel. “We have an audience,” he said as he set her down on a step. The step made her just a little bit taller than him. For once, he had to look up to her.
“I don’t care if you don’t,” she said, her voice gravelly with arousal.
“The only one I want to perform for is you,” he replied. And with that he lifted her at the waist so that she was standing upright against him, just inches off of her feet and whisked her into the house, up to their room.
The heat of the afternoon toasted their bedroom. Will threw open the window to let in the cool sea breeze. He pulled together the gauzy curtains so they could have a modicum of privacy, but the room was on the third floor of the house, built into the dormer portion. No one could see in.
Laura sat on the corner of the bed, raised her shirt from her body and unfastened her lacy and satin push up bra. Her appetite had diminished these past few days and so she felt as though she was a bit thin.
Will walked on his knees across the mattress behind her. “This is a feather bed,” he murmured in an inviting voice. “Ever been on one of these?”
“No, Mr. Shriner, I have not. And even if I had, I have never been on one with you,” she smiled.
He parted her hair and kissed her on the back of her neck. She shivered from head to toe. “I see. Are you saying you ain’t never had no good lovin’ before, Miss Mills?” he asked.
“Yes, Mr. Shriner,” she replied.
Will craned around so he could face her as best he could. “Yes you have had good lovin’ or yes, no you have not?”
Laura toyed with him. “What’s it worth to you?”
“Oh, baby,
do I have to prove myself to you?” he asked, pretending to complain. “You are such a slave driver.”
The idea of playing master and slave with Laura as the mistress thrilled her. She wasn’t a dominant sort, but she knew his interpretation of his role as a submissive would be super erotic and fun. Laura affected a strict tone. “What was that you asked? Maybe it would teach you a lesson if I did have you prove yourself to me.”
“Oh yes, ma’am,” he said softly and sensually.
Laura let one leg drape on either side of the corner of the bed. Will maneuvered around and landed on his knees between hers. He unfastened her jeans and stripped them down and off of her feet. He slipped off her panties and assertively positioned her hips so he could access her center. She was vulnerably exposed to him. The wicked feeling aroused her greatly. Will penetrated her with a finger, in and out of her slick entrance.
"Would you like me to lick you now?" he asked in a low sweet voice.
"Yes I do," she said, losing her clear-headedness to role-play.
He lowered his tongue to her wetness, still going in and out of her with a long, hard finger, and bothered her with counter pressure. He flicked it. She bucked her hips up and around trying to control where he made contact. She wanted more. After a moment of his evading full tongue to skin touching, she caught on that he was teasing her.
"What's the matter?" he asked innocently. "Am I not doing it right?"
"You are, but..." Laura shivered.
"But what?" he asked playing her.
"I want more," she panted.
He slid his tongue in the creases of the soft flesh before he plunged inside of her as deeply as he could with the full length of his tongue. The feel of his sweet, hot, wet tongue was intoxicating. He gripped her hips bracing them, forbidding them from moving. Though he played the slave, he made her take what he had to give. He lightly pinched up her sensitive nub, isolating it to deliver all of his focus. Laura's breath hitched, her body clutched as she lit with pure arousal. Passion surged through her, rushed her to the top of that ultimate mountain. A flurry of color flooded her mind as she came. She spasmed helplessly against Will's tongue. He softened his strokes, drawing her through the waves of pleasure washing over her.
"Mmm, does that feel good?" he murmured wickedly.
When she caught her breath and was able to speak she replied, "Oh god, yes.” She thought that was her cue to break from his hands to engage for him. She thought it was his now his turn but he was not letting go. She looked at him with question.
He laughed wickedly. "Oh," he said, "did you really think I was done with you?" This was not the tone of a submissive. "Now you just sit there like a good girl until I say to move."
Laura was pretty sure she heard herself whimper. His mouth returned to her stimulated center and began pleasuring her again. In seconds, he brought back to life her orgasm, this time more fiercely, more intensely, more electric. This time as her body clamped wildly, he got inside her. The sensation of his hardness stroking her at the height of her climax sent her into another realm. She was in a blend of two realities: the bed, the bedroom, their bodies and their pleasure. Will stood, pumping into her while she laid back on the plump feather mattress, stunned with the pure erotic experience. She struggled to think clearly enough to wrap her legs around his buttocks. The move made wings of her thighs and she wantonly helped his rhythm along, pressing into him and releasing him, pressing into him and releasing him. She dropped one foot to the floor and drew the other up to him, turning over onto her stomach. She rose up onto her hands, and pushed against him. The curves of her backside fit against his abdomen perfectly, allowing her to take him into her as deeply as he could go. She intermittently dropped her knees and locked them straight, dropped her knees and locked them straight to create sweet tension for him. She heard him suck in his breath as though she were torturing him blissfully.
Will picked up steam. Now he was driving into her like a locomotive, his pace so intense that Laura was on the verge of yet another climax. Her third time. She clutched the bedding as Will fucked her. He cried out and crashed against her with a powerful peak. He moaned and wailed, gripping her hips and slammed into her with powerful, powerful thrusts until he could not move any longer.
As his orgasm crested and started to pass, Will laughed playfully. He slid Laura's body further into the center of the bed. "So much for not having an audience," he said. He reached for her as she dodged him, trying to avoid his tickling her, but he got her and tickled her quickly at her waist on her thighs. Laura squealed. Will wrapped himself around her as they spooned together. "You have to be kind of hungry, hmm?" he stroked her stomach. "Why don't we shower and you put on one of your sweet little dresses; we'll go to Poogan's Porch for a nice, romantic dinner. And then afterwards, I thought we could put on our riding clothes and go for a ride."
Laura kissed him lazily. "That sounds wonderful."
The bath made Laura very sleepy. Will left her alone to let her nap. He left open the window overlooking the sea so she could rest in the sea air and be lulled to sleep with the rhythm of the waves. She awoke abruptly having fallen into a very deep sleep, though she had no idea for how long she had been out, to the loud rumbling noise of a brawl. At least one of the Knights’ Disciples was in a fight. The first thing that came to her mind when clarity came to her was that maybe one of the Marauders, the gang that her young brother was now a part of, had found them. She checked herself to make sure she was suitably dressed, thinking for a moment she might have crashed in just her underwear, and crept down the stairs. Shouts from the first floor grew louder and louder as she made her way down two flights of stairs. Laura was somewhat afraid that weapons could be present. She wanted to call out for Will, but she felt very vulnerable. She pressed her back against the wall and crept down to the landing that was followed by another flight of stairs.
The fighting was fully physical, though there were people on the sidelines urging the brawlers to stop, to cut it out. Glass shattered and chairs tipped. A multitude of scenarios played through her mind – visions of Marauder Gang members fighting the members of the Knights’ Disciples Motorcycle Club. She imagined her brother, Lucas, being just around the corner. She fantasized that he was still a young boy in her mind, not that hard, cold man-looking creature that he had become through his association with the brutal street gang. She was afraid to go any nearer the disturbance.
Out of nowhere, someone came up behind her, as if out of the wall, covered her mouth with his hand and drew her in close to him. It was Will. He had on fresh clothing, including his Knights’ Disciples leather vest. "Shhhh," he whispered. "It's okay, but let's not go in there."
"Where did you come from?" she demanded as he let go her mouth. She was shaken.
"Right behind me. Door to another set of stairs. Anyway, we got a couple of guys in there dukin' it out over a woman. Come with me through this door and we'll go out front."
She followed him through the door at the landing, which she assumed was some kind of closet, and down a flight of stairs that led to a dining room and around the main staircase out the front door. Will wouldn't even let her go in front of the main window so she could look inside to see what was happening.
"Why don't you guys call the cops?" she asked, once they were out in the sunlight. The day was cooling off now that it was late afternoon.
Will smiled. "We are hoping they will work things out. Don't want one of our own going to jail while we are having fun."
"Looks like someone is going to the hospital. From the sound of it, they're killing each other. I don't like it," she said.
Will brushed the hair from her face. "Let's go take a walk. Let's go have a beer and some munchies. We can do fancy dining next time. These guys will be out any minute."
"I wish you would take this more seriously," Laura said with frustration.
"It's Darren's date. She was seeing a guy for a while and decided it was so serious that
she couldn't spend the weekend with Darren. And I guess the guy came here looking for her. She put Darren in the middle of it. We told him to send them both home but he wants to spend the weekend with her."
"Does he love her?" Laura asked her.
"He loves to fuck her," Will responded. Ordinarily the graphic talk would have excited her but the meaning turned her off. She and Will had a scorching sex life and he did call her his girlfriend, but is that how he looked at things? Was his definition of her someone he liked to fuck?
They walked down the sunny sidewalk towards the tavern when lights and sirens did, in fact, wail, cop cars slicing through the streets to the Knights’ Disciples’ house. Someone had called the cops.
"Should we go back?" she asked.
Still Will was casual. "No. Darren can handle it. There are plenty of witnesses. I think the less of us, the better."
From afar, Laura watched as the police walked Darren, his date, and his rival to the outside of the house. She saw a smiling Darren shake hands with a policeman. His date was not smiling and the other man was definitely not happy. One of the Knights’ Disciples pulled his bike round and Darren’s weekend date climbed on back. The police escorted all safely away. Will had called it correctly. She looked up at him and saw that he had been watching her, watching the scene. He was grinning.
"So did that turn out okay for you? Can we go get something to eat?" he asked.
She was okay but she was still bothered by his words. "So what is Darren going to do now? Find someone else to fuck for the weekend?"
Will raised his brow. "Hey," he said. "Where did that come from?"